Ammonia is explosive in concentrations between?
A. 5 to 10 %
b. 11 to 14 %
c. 16 to 25 %
d. 26 to 31 %
e. 32 to 40 %
Answer: C
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Power Engineering Chapter 114
- The enthalpy of a vapour is
- Leakage tendency is determine by:
- The larger the difference between the temperature of the liquid refrigerant entering the evaporator and the actual evaporator temperature:
- The amount of liquid that may flash into vapour can be as high as?
- Which one of the following should a ideal refrigerant should NOT have?
- The refrigerant R-717 belongs to the following group
- The refrigerant R-764 belongs to the following group
- The refrigerant R-290 belongs to the following group
- The refrigerant R-600 belongs to the following group
- The refrigerant R-152a belongs to the following group
- The refrigerant R-142b belongs to the following group
- Ammonia is the only commonly used refrigerant which has the physical property of
- Which of the following is not a physical property of refrigerants?
- The ability of a refrigerant to be dissolved into oil and vice versa is called
- Which of the following is a thermodynamic property of heat?
- The refrigerant R-11 belongs to the following group
- The molecular mass of a refrigerant is a factor in which of the following refrigerant characteristics?
- The refrigerating effect of a refrigerant is:
- R-134a is non-toxic and non-flammable. Which of the following groups does it belong to?
- The property which has to be known for the calculation of the size of control valves and piping etc. is:
- R-22:
- What is the name of the refrigerant that has the following characteristics? It is non-flammable, odourless, non-toxic, it does not have a corrosive effect on metal if water is present and at atmospheric pressure it has a boiling point of approximately -40.6°C.
- Which of the following characteristics is common in all of the group B refrigerants?
- Group "A" refrigerants are: