The blow off valve in a storage heater is used to:
a. Take potable water samples
b. Monitor unsafe temperatures
c. Release steam should the heater malfunction to avoid flashing of steam in the fixtures
d. Remove sediment from the heater
e. Relieve excess pressure in the heater, during periods of low hot water demand.
Answer: D
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Power Engineering Chapter 112
- The pounding or banging of pipes and shuddering of fixtures caused by a shock wave resulting from a sudden stop of water flow in a pipe results in which of the following sounds?
- What is the correct sequence, from start to finish, needed to replace a washer in a faucet? i) Unscrew the packing nut and remove the spindle. ii) If the valve seat is smooth and serviceable, replace the spindle and tighten the packing nut. iii) Remove the washer from the end of the spindle. iv) Shut off the water at the nearest isolation valve. v) Place the new washer on the end of the spindle.
- Which of the following statements is true?
- Sewer smells coming from a floor drain in a washroom can be a problem if the floors of the washroom are not cleaned often. Which of the following courses of action is the simplest way to stop the smell from coming out of the drain?
- Which of the following has a trap as an integral part of the fixture?
- Drain traps serve which of the following purposes: i) to seal the outlet fixture ii) to prevent back flow of sewer gas iii) to deflect grease and oil for separate disposal
- Corrugations in outside aluminum storm piping are required to:
- The first step when repairing a faucet is:
- Which of the following has a trap as an integral part of the fixture?
- A deep seal plumbing trap has a water seal depth of:
- Which of the following statements about footing drains is untrue?
- Which of the following is the simplest way to stop sewer gas from coming out of floor drains?
- A common plumbing trap has a water seal depth of:
- Negative pressure in a sanitary drainage system may result in which of the following problems:
- In a sanitary drainage system, a drain trap should be located within _____ of the fixture it serves.
- Some water closets are provided with flush tanks while others are equipped with: