A boiler blowoff system is equipped with slow and fast opening valves. The quick opening valve is placed:
a. Closest to the boiler and opened first
b. Furthest from the boiler and opened first
c. Closest to the boiler and opened last
d. Furthest from the boiler and opened last
e. On the blow-off tank
Answer: A
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Power Engineering Chapter 63
- When the blowdown line has two seatless slow opening valves, what is the sequence in opening them?
- Which code specifies the type of valves that can be used for particular boilers?
- Which code specifies the materials, pressure ratings and required sizes for blowdown piping?
- Blow-off piping must be made to expand and contract during temperature changes. If not it could cause?
- Which code requires the installation of a blow-off vessel or other suitable registered device for all boilers operating above 103kPa, if the vessel discharges into the sewer system?
- The greatest concentration of undissolved solids in a package watertube boiler is at __ and for firetube boilers is at __
- Another term for intermittent blowdown is?
- Hot blowdown water flows from the boiler through the CBD line to the __
- TDS:
- Continuous blowdown rate depends on?
- TDS stands for?
- The type of water treatment boilers use that operate below 5000kPa is?
- The type of water treatment boilers use that operate above 5000kPa is?
- The boiler blowoff valves are opened and closed in a specific sequence to:
- A blowoff tank:
- The blowoff connection on a boiler is located at the:
- Water that leaves a blowoff tank and enters a sewer must not exceed _______ °C:
- If dissolved solids are not removed from boiler water, the result may be:
- On a boiler blowoff system, a valve that requires at least five 360° turns of the operating mechanism to change from fully open to fully closed is known as:
- An external water treatment method that results in minimal boiler blowdown is:
- When the intermittent blow off valves on a boiler are both seatless, the correct operating sequence is to open the:
- A boiler's continuous blowdown is used:
- A "rule of thumb" for continuous blowdown rate is approximately:
- Boiler water having the highest dissolved solids concentration is found:
- The operator, while blowing off a boiler, should have an assistant to: