Sharing and transferring information between computers is termed:
a) Plotting
b) Networking
c) Number crunching
d) Multiplexing
e) Analogging
The piping generally used for a hot oil system is:
The piping generally used for a hot oil system is:
a) austenitic steel
b) stainless steel
c) copper alloy
d) cast iron
e) carbon steel
Whenever feasibly possible, when checking bearings on running pieces of equipment it is wise to:
Whenever feasibly possible, when checking bearings on running pieces of equipment it is wise to:
a) Check the oil quantity leaving each
b) Observe...
Lead sulfide cells operate when __________ is present:
Lead sulfide cells operate when __________ is present:
a) flue gas
b) ultra-violet light
c) infrared
d) no light
e) heat
Answer: ...
One of the following is not a centrifugal fan
One of the following is not a centrifugal fan
a) the propeller fan
b) backward inclined fan wheel
c) backward inclined airfoil blade fan
d) forward...
A gas fired hot oil heater has skin thermocouples to measure outside tube temperature. A gradual increase in temperature on all thermocouples is an indication of:
A gas fired hot oil heater has skin thermocouples to measure outside tube temperature. A gradual increase in temperature on all thermocouples is an...
The top of a rung ladder should extend approximately _________ above the level of the upper landing to which it provides access.
The top of a rung ladder should extend approximately _________ above the level of the upper landing to which it provides access.
a) 0.2 metres
A forced hot water circulating system can be classified as the following type:
A forced hot water circulating system can be classified as the following type:
a) loop system
b) one pipe system
c) two pipe direct return system
Stripping steam in a refinery
Stripping steam in a refinery
a) is directly injected in a tower to remove a light product
b) is low pressure steam from a waste heat boiler
c) is...
It is generally accurate to say that:
It is generally accurate to say that:
a) A water height or depth of 10.34 meters results in 1 kPa
b) 10.21 kPa will result from 1 meter of static...
A new boiler should be flushed and internally inspected after _________ months of operation:
A new boiler should be flushed and internally inspected after _________ months of operation:
a) one
b) twelve
c) three
d) six
e) two
When shutting down a boiler for internal cleaning, you should:
When shutting down a boiler for internal cleaning, you should:
a) let it stand for a couple days then drain
b) shut off fire, drain, open up and flush
The Hartford Loop prevents the water in the boiler from:
The Hartford Loop prevents the water in the boiler from:
a) exceeding the highest safe level
b) dropping below a safe level
c) flowing out through...
When an automatic unattended boiler starts up, the program timer will first:
When an automatic unattended boiler starts up, the program timer will first:
a) energize the main gas valve
b) start the force draft fan
c) energize...
A common lifting device used in a plant is a block and tackle; a block and tackle is a combination of:
A common lifting device used in a plant is a block and tackle; a block and tackle is a combination of:
a) chains & come-along
b) ropes & pulleys
A heat recovery system which employs a single exchange unit consisting of a casing split into two sections and a segmented rotating wheel 300 mm thick and 1 to 3.7 m in diameter is called a:
A heat recovery system which employs a single exchange unit consisting of a casing split into two sections and a segmented rotating wheel 300 mm thick...
The output pressure signal of a transmitter relay is usually:
The output pressure signal of a transmitter relay is usually:
a) fed to a final element of a loop
b) direct and proportional to nozzle pressure
A steam heating boiler that is to be shut down for six months during the summer, should be
A steam heating boiler that is to be shut down for six months during the summer, should be
a) left with the water at normal working level and pressurized...
An upset in a plant process is called a/an:
An upset in a plant process is called a/an:
a) disturbance
b) agitation
c) perturbation
d) malfunction
e) disorder
Answer: ...
The average amount of water volume which evaporates from a cooling tower is:
The average amount of water volume which evaporates from a cooling tower is:
a) 10 %
b) 2 %
c) 3.5 %
d) 5 %
e) 15 %
Answer: ...
The shrouding installed on the blading of a steam turbine serves to:
The shrouding installed on the blading of a steam turbine serves to:
a) stop the steam flow
b) expand the steam
c) heat the steam
d) confine the steam...
The voltage drop across a 20 ohm resistor with 10 amps flowing would be:
The voltage drop across a 20 ohm resistor with 10 amps flowing would be:
a) 150
b) 0.5
c) 2
d) 20
e) 200
Answer: ...
The breaking down on long chain hydrocarbon molecules to smaller more valuable ones is called:
The breaking down on long chain hydrocarbon molecules to smaller more valuable ones is called:
a) hydro treating
b) cracking
c) stabilization
d) thermal...
In order to convert velocity pressure to static pressure in an air distribution system, it is necessary to
In order to convert velocity pressure to static pressure in an air distribution system, it is necessary to
a) decrease the cross-sectional area of...
A hot oil system uses a ______________________ fluid in place of steam or water, to conduct heat from a central source to other vessels and heating coils in a plant.
A hot oil system uses a ______________________ fluid in place of steam or water, to conduct heat from a central source to other vessels and heating...
This type of fan drive system is normally used on systems where the resistance can be determined accurately.
This type of fan drive system is normally used on systems where the resistance can be determined accurately.
a) fluid drive
b) variable speed motor...
A residential forced air system:
A residential forced air system:
a) is restricted to buildings of less than 180 square metres
b) is usually fitted with a hot air duct, a cold air...
Which of the following statements is true regarding a heating coil fitted with face and bypass dampers?
Which of the following statements is true regarding a heating coil fitted with face and bypass dampers?
a) temperature control is achieved by the...
Which of the following is not a component of a runaround heat recovery system?
Which of the following is not a component of a runaround heat recovery system?
a) a recovery coil
b) a thermal wheel
c) a pre-conditioning coil
A typical hot oil circulating pump would be:
A typical hot oil circulating pump would be:
a) a reciprocating pump
b) a lobe pump
c) a sliding vane pump
d) a diaphragm pump
e) a centrifugal pump...
The type of material used for kitchen exhaust ducts are made of _________.
The type of material used for kitchen exhaust ducts are made of _________.
a) fiberglass
b) cement asbestos
c) galvanized steel
d) heavy gauge black...
One of the best ways to achieve volume control in an air system, from a sound level standpoint, is the __________.
One of the best ways to achieve volume control in an air system, from a sound level standpoint, is the __________.
a) outlet damper control
b) variable...
What is the name of the air conditioning system that has all the major equipment located in one mechanical room?
What is the name of the air conditioning system that has all the major equipment located in one mechanical room?
a) packaged system
b) central system
Glycol coils using ethylene glycol:
Glycol coils using ethylene glycol:
a) give reasonable heat transfer efficiency at low glycol velocity
b) are not recommended for use in heating and...
How many compartments are window air conditioners divided into?
How many compartments are window air conditioners divided into?
a) 1
b) 2
c) 3
d) 4
e) 5
Answer: ...
A fan is referred to as non-overloading when
A fan is referred to as non-overloading when
a) the free air delivery is at minimum
b) the static pressure remains low
c) velocity pressure is at...
Air is made up of approximately:
Air is made up of approximately:
a) 79 % N2 and 21% CO2
b) 79 % O2 and 21 % N2
c) 79 % N2 and 21 % O2
d) 79 % CO2 and 21 % O2
e) 79 % H2 and 21 %...
or what chief purpose is the ground wood pulp, which is produced by the mechanical process, used:
or what chief purpose is the ground wood pulp, which is produced by the mechanical process, used:
a) cardboard
b) soft paper products
c) blending...
A high pressure duct system operates at _____
A high pressure duct system operates at _____
a) static pressure above 0.50 kPa
b) static pressure less than 0.50 kPa
c) static pressure up to 1.50...
The condenser section of a window air conditioner:
The condenser section of a window air conditioner:
a) is larger than the supply plenum
b) is exposed to outside air
c) has an automatically controlled...
Which type of coil circuiting is designed to produce a high heat capacity with a limited water quantity?
Which type of coil circuiting is designed to produce a high heat capacity with a limited water quantity?
a) single serpentine
b) double serpentine
What is one method of preventing ice build-up on the recovery coil of a runaround heat recovery system during cold weather?
What is one method of preventing ice build-up on the recovery coil of a runaround heat recovery system during cold weather?
a) by using electric heating...
Which of the following is a hand tool?
Which of the following is a hand tool?
a) electric drill
b) steel tape
c) micrometer
d) hammer
e) compound grinder
Answer: ...
Air venting, in an air conditioning system, is required for which of the following reasons?
Air venting, in an air conditioning system, is required for which of the following reasons?
a) to assure adequate water distribution in the coils...
The most likely cause of a fire in a hot oil system is:
The most likely cause of a fire in a hot oil system is:
a) pump seal leak
b) exchanger leak
c) wrong gasket material
d) furnace tube rupture
e) failure...
Depending on the workmanship, air leakages from ducts can vary by __________.
Depending on the workmanship, air leakages from ducts can vary by __________.
a) 1% to 5 %
b) 3% to 5 %
c) 5% to 10 %
d) 5% to 30 %
e) 10% to 40 %...
Identify, from the list below, the combined psychrometric processes:
Identify, from the list below, the combined psychrometric processes:
1. heating and humidification
2. cooling and humidification
3. cooling and dehumidification
The main cause(s) of furnace explosions in black liquor recovery boilers is(are):
The main cause(s) of furnace explosions in black liquor recovery boilers is(are):
a) black liquor with a low solids content
b) faulty air supply
In a Variable Air Volume (with perimeter heat) combined air conditioning system, where are the VAV boxes located
In a Variable Air Volume (with perimeter heat) combined air conditioning system, where are the VAV boxes located
a) in the main ductwork
b) in each...
One of the best methods to reduce power consumption of a fan motor is the __________.
One of the best methods to reduce power consumption of a fan motor is the __________.
a) fluid drive
b) variable speed motor control
c) outlet damper...
In an air conditioning system that uses static pressure regulation to control volume flow, what happens when the differential pressure controller senses a rise in duct pressure?
In an air conditioning system that uses static pressure regulation to control volume flow, what happens when the differential pressure controller senses...
In a Variable Air Volume (with perimeter heating) combined air conditioning system, how are the VAV boxes controlled?
In a Variable Air Volume (with perimeter heating) combined air conditioning system, how are the VAV boxes controlled?
a) by a flow meter in the fan...
Disadvantages of a thermal wheel heat recovery include:
Disadvantages of a thermal wheel heat recovery include:
1. a large space is required
2. perfect sealing is impossible
3. the ducts must be side-by-side
Belt guards are required on _________
Belt guards are required on _________
a) variable speed motor controls
b) v-belt drives
c) direct drives
d) outlet damper controls
e) fluid drives...
Relative humidity in the air:
Relative humidity in the air:
a) increases when the air temperature decreases
b) increases when the air pressure decreases
c) decreases when the air...
This type of unitary air conditioning system has two compartments, a supply plenum and a condenser compartment.
This type of unitary air conditioning system has two compartments, a supply plenum and a condenser compartment.
a) a window air conditioner
b) a packaged...
What functions do the mixing boxes in a dual duct air conditioning system perform?
What functions do the mixing boxes in a dual duct air conditioning system perform?
1. humidification
2. blending air temperatures
3. maintain...
The main function of air distribution devices is to introduce supply air into the conditioned space. This is accomplished by using which of the following methods.
The main function of air distribution devices is to introduce supply air into the conditioned space. This is accomplished by using which of the following...
The main advantages of a low pressure duct system is the:
The main advantages of a low pressure duct system is the:
a) relative quietness of the air movement
b) higher operating costs
c) special control devices
To calculate the heat gain from fluorescent lighting, add the wattage ratings and multiply by:
To calculate the heat gain from fluorescent lighting, add the wattage ratings and multiply by:
a) 0.4
b) 0.8
c) 1.1
d) 1.2
e) 2.1
Answer: ...
When does the capacity of a heat pipe decrease to zero?
When does the capacity of a heat pipe decrease to zero?
a) at minus 10oC
b) when the RH approaches 0%
c) when the effects of gravity overcome the...
"Slips and locks" refers to _________
"Slips and locks" refers to _________
a) a means of isolating motors
b) special seams used to fasten ducts together
c) a system to prevent injuries
Heat gains from the sun change and depend on:
Heat gains from the sun change and depend on:
1. The type of house
2. The latitude
3. The season
4. The time of day
a) 1,2
b) 3,4
c) 1,2,3
d) 2,3,4
How is dehumidification in a large air conditioning system achieved?
How is dehumidification in a large air conditioning system achieved?
a) by the use of adsorbents
b) by the use of absorbents
c) by the use of steam...
This type of combined air conditioning system uses a central makeup unit, high velocity ducting, a sound absorber, and individual room units
This type of combined air conditioning system uses a central makeup unit, high velocity ducting, a sound absorber, and individual room units
a) hydronic...
What is the difference between "thermal conductance" and "thermal conductivity"?
What is the difference between "thermal conductance" and "thermal conductivity"?
a) Thermal conductance deals with a composite material. Thermal conductivity...
A ductwork operating at less than 10 m/s is said to be a _________duct system.
A ductwork operating at less than 10 m/s is said to be a _________duct system.
a) high velocity
b) medium pressure
c) medium velocity
d) low pressure
Inlet steam pressure to a heating coil should not be less than what pressure?
Inlet steam pressure to a heating coil should not be less than what pressure?
a) 5 kPa
b) 34 kPa
c) 16 kPa
d) 42 kPa
e) 50% of control valve discharge...
What is the Coefficient of Performance of a heat pump which uses 4 kW of energy to produce 10 kW of heating capacity?
What is the Coefficient of Performance of a heat pump which uses 4 kW of energy to produce 10 kW of heating capacity?
a) 40
b) 0.4
c) 5 kW
d) 2.5
How is the electric heating element in an industrial pan type humidifier protected from overheating?
How is the electric heating element in an industrial pan type humidifier protected from overheating?
a) by a minimum flow switch
b) by a low water...
Which is not an advantage of a thermal wheel recovery system?
Which is not an advantage of a thermal wheel recovery system?
a) pump, liquid, and piping is not required
b) only a small motor is required
c) good...
What is the temperature of the cold deck supply air in both multi-zone and dual duct air conditioning systems?
What is the temperature of the cold deck supply air in both multi-zone and dual duct air conditioning systems?
a) 5ºC
b) 8.7ºC
c) 12.5ºC
d) 14.4ºC
When talking about heating or cooling coils, face velocity is the:
When talking about heating or cooling coils, face velocity is the:
a) velocity of the supply water to the coil
b) velocity of the air before it enters...
Installation of a thermal wheel requires:
Installation of a thermal wheel requires:
a) minimal space
b) that the ducts be adjacent and parallel
c) pre-conditioning cols in addition to the...
When taking wire rope off a spool the spool should always be rotated, removing the rope from the side may result in:
When taking wire rope off a spool the spool should always be rotated, removing the rope from the side may result in:
a) knotting
b) kinking
c) friction
A hydrostatic test should be applied to a boiler:
A hydrostatic test should be applied to a boiler:
a) at the request of the boiler inspector
b) once per year
c) once per week
d) every shift
e) at...
The combined psychrometric process of cooling and humidification is also known as _________.
The combined psychrometric process of cooling and humidification is also known as _________.
a) enthalpy cooling
b) relative humidification
c) evaporative...
What does it mean when it is said that the air temperature in an air conditioning system has been "tempered"?
What does it mean when it is said that the air temperature in an air conditioning system has been "tempered"?
a) the temperature has been raised
Why infiltration shouldn't be depended on to supply a building's ventilation requirements?
Why infiltration shouldn't be depended on to supply a building's ventilation requirements?
a) Infiltration can cause a negative pressure in the building
When there is the possibility of freezing temperatures, what type of liquid is used in a runaround type heat recovery system?
When there is the possibility of freezing temperatures, what type of liquid is used in a runaround type heat recovery system?
a) steam
b) water
Which of the following statements is accurate?
Which of the following statements is accurate?
1. Heat loss by infiltration is proportional to wind speed
2. Increasing the layers of glass...
Ammonia is removed from a hydrotreater by washing the oil with _________.
Ammonia is removed from a hydrotreater by washing the oil with _________.
a) amine
b) naphtha
c) Water
d) steam
e) hydrazine
Answer: ...
When used on a heat pipe heat recovery system, face and bypass damper control can be used to do which of the following?
When used on a heat pipe heat recovery system, face and bypass damper control can be used to do which of the following?
1. prevent frost formation
In regards to ductwork, what must be provided at the fan discharge or suction openings?
In regards to ductwork, what must be provided at the fan discharge or suction openings?
a) neoprene valves
b) canvas louvres
c) cushion heads
d) diffusers...
What type of unitary air conditioning system do the following statements describe?
What type of unitary air conditioning system do the following statements describe?
1) it may be installed in a false ceiling
2) it has a direct...
When sub-zero weather is encountered, what limits the efficiency of a runaround heat recovery system?
When sub-zero weather is encountered, what limits the efficiency of a runaround heat recovery system?
a) higher viscosity of the fluid increases pump...
Fiberglass ducts are used
Fiberglass ducts are used
a) in high pressure systems
b) to handle air with high moisture level or oil and grease
c) where its heavy weight is not...
What can be used to prevent wide temperature swings in an air conditioned space when using a direct expansion heat exchanger and on/off control?
What can be used to prevent wide temperature swings in an air conditioned space when using a direct expansion heat exchanger and on/off control?
The purpose of the naphtha hydrotreater in an oil refinery is:
The purpose of the naphtha hydrotreater in an oil refinery is:
a) to remove the hydrogen sulphide and nitrogen from the diesel
b) to remove the sulphur...
Paper is produced from which of the following constituents of trees:
Paper is produced from which of the following constituents of trees:
a) cellulose
b) lignin
c) hemicelluloses
d) pectin's
e) pentosans
The vane axial flow fan
The vane axial flow fan
a) has a more spiral air flow that tube axial fan
b) has a more turbulent air flow than the tube axial fan
c) has a lower...
When using a steam humidifier, what steam pressure should be used?
When using a steam humidifier, what steam pressure should be used?
a) 5 - 10 kPa
b) 20 - 40 kPa
c) 35 - 70 kPa
d) 100 - 120 kPa
e) 150 - 200 kPa ...
For cooling purposes, the mixed air temperature of an air handling unit is set to maintain what temperature?
For cooling purposes, the mixed air temperature of an air handling unit is set to maintain what temperature?
a) 5ºC
b) 7.5ºC
c) 10.5ºC
d) 12.5ºC
When shutting down a hot oil system, the oil is circulated in order to prevent:
When shutting down a hot oil system, the oil is circulated in order to prevent:
a) uneven cooling of oil
b) oil viscosity becoming too low
c) over...
One of the most expensive methods of volume control for an air system is the __________.
One of the most expensive methods of volume control for an air system is the __________.
a) direct drive
b) v-belt drive
c) variable inlet vane control
If a steam heating coil control valve were properly selected, what would the outlet pressure from the valve be if the inlet pressure was 150 kPa?
If a steam heating coil control valve were properly selected, what would the outlet pressure from the valve be if the inlet pressure was 150 kPa?
In an induction type combined air conditioning system, what causes the primary air to mix with the secondary air and circulate throughout the room?
In an induction type combined air conditioning system, what causes the primary air to mix with the secondary air and circulate throughout the room?
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